Wednesday, May 9, 2012

How To Market My Network Marketing Business Online The Right Way.

People are always asking me how to market my network marketing business online the right way?
 I am going to answer that question today. The answer that I give you though, might come as complete surprise to you.

Question: How do I market my network marketing business online the right way?

Answer: Do not market your network marketing business online.

I told you that the answer might surprise you. Now I am going to explain what I mean by this, so stick around and read this post because it is a very valuable post. You should really try to understand what I am telling you.

Get your free 7 video series about how to do this


I learned this from Mike Dillards book attraction marketing

If you have not read that book then I strongly suggest that you read it as quick as you can because, it will literally change your whole perspective on marketing on the internet. 

I can guarantee you that you will not regret reading this book.

When someone goes online they are looking for information to solve a problem that they have. They are not looking to buy or get into an opportunity. They want to get some information about it first so you should be the one to give them that information that they are looking for.

Now I know this sounds crazy but you should never sell anything to anyone until they decide they want to purchase what you have. Here is a true fact.

People HATE to be sold to but people Love to buy things.

It is true, think about the things that you buy every day. Usually you go out to buy them. Nobody comes to sell them to you and if they do you will avoid them.

So the key to building a network marketing business online is to give the person that is on your site true value. Give them everything that you can to tell them what it is that they want to know. It really is that simple. If you do what I am telling you then you will start to get people asking you how they can join your business with you.

People want to deal with people that they like and trust. The only way that you can get them to trust you is to give without want.

This concept is called attraction marketing and if you do it right there is no limit that you can put on your success so I urge you again to read attraction marketing by Mike Dillard. You will not regret it. He does a fantastic job of teaching you every thing that I am trying to explain to you here. Plus he even gives you some tools that you can use and everyone should use to build there internet business.

I hope that this information was helpful to you and that you have great success online.  

Be sure to get your free 7 video series on attraction marketing.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

What Not To Say To Your Wife

Very Funny Video 

These are deffinately things that you might want to think twice about before you open your mouth.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Communication Breakdown

It happens to the best of us. Communication is such a fickle thing, and the lines of communication can become blurred every so often, especially when feelings are involved. Even those who think that they are immune to the confusion of conflict can find themselves drawn into a communication breakdown when they least expect it, and chaos ensues.


This happened to me on the weekend, and until to be quite honest, it took me by surprise. Even those of us who are better equipped than many others are not immune. My partner told me something that really hurt my feelings, and I lashed back in defense. It was a silly argument, over something as simple as a misplaced bottle of aftershave. But to me, it represented something much deeper, that had been simmering away for a couple of weeks. I get frustrated at having to search for something when it is not where I expect it to be. Worse still when my partner has shifted it and I don’t know the first place to begin searching.

Aftershave, needles and thread, car keys, a Tupperware container to store my baking soda in, covers for our outdoor chairs, all were examples of instances where I had to turn the house upside-down. A simple answer from my partner when these things were shifted would have saved me a lot of time and frustration. And the answer I got? "You need to open your eyes and organize yourself better"

I was gutted. When I come home from work I exercise the dog and cook dinner so that it is on the table by the time my partner gets home. The house is always spotless and warm, as I’m very conscious of coming home to a tidy environment. I see this as a fundamental part of my role in coming home first, and it takes a lot of my time. To imply that I have the time to "organize yourself better" really hurt.

I don’t expect praise, but I did hope that my efforts were recognized. I got told that "I don’t expect you to cook my dinner every night" was interpreted by me as ingratitude, and hurt me even more.

So where to from here? My partner felt guilty at coming home every night to the perfect household, whereas I felt guilty if it wasn’t perfect. It was never about me trying to make him feel guilty, but it seems it did. And this is where the communication fell down. He misinterpreted my efforts, and I misinterpreted his response.

Communication, communication, communication. I need for my partner to keep me informed of where things move to. I need to be informed. I need to voice my frustration before it gets to boiling point. We both need to talk about our feelings more, and how each of our contributions to our home and our relationship make us feel, and how we interpret each others contributions. It is not a competition, but for many couples it feels like it.

When people feel guilt or stress, it leads them to act funny ways. Often stress and guilt are barriers to communication. The key to overcoming them is to recognize what it is, and have the courage to talk about it. You might be able to do it as a couple, or you might want the help of a friend who can listen to the way you are communicating with each other and offer insights and advice.

We got it sorted out, and kissed and hugged. It wouldn’t hurt so much if I didn’t feel such love at the same time. But it served as a good reminder to me. Sometimes you get so wrapped up in your own emotions that you forget to think of the other person. You also need to entertain the possibility that you are misinterpreting each other. Talking about it is the way to expose the miscommunication and let the healing begin.

A good lesson to learn, even for the experts…


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Friday, July 1, 2011

Chris Hansen Gets Caught Cheating With A Younger Woman.

Cheating Spouses are everywhere today. I just cannot believe how much it goes on out there today. I am 43 and I can honestly say that I have never cheated on anyone that I have ever been with. I just think it is way more trouble then it would be worth.

I just saw today that Chris Hansen of dateline got caught by a hidden video camera cheating on his wife with a much younger woman. I think that is a little ironic if you ask me.

Watch The Video Now!!!!

I find this kind of funny. Chris Hansen has spent so much time catching people on hidden cameras and then he gets caught himself with hidden cameras. That is pretty Ironic.

Now lets get serious here. My son who will remain nameless is going through a divorce right now because he cheated on his wife.

She told me about it and I just could not believe what I was hearing. Of coarse after she told me I went to him and asked him what was going on. Of coarse he denied having an affair with anyone and said that she was just overreacting to a few text messages that he had gotten from a friend that happened to be a girl. 

Now like my grandfather used to always say to me, "I was born at night boy, but it wasn't last night." I knew that he just did not want to tell me the truth because he was embarrassed and probably did not want me to judge him for what he had done. 
I told him that I did not think that he was telling me the truth about what he was doing and that he needed to stop whatever it was. You have 2 children with this women. My biggest advise to him was that if he did not want to be with her he needed to finish one thing before he started something else.

I am not proud of him for cheating on his wife and I wish that it would have never happened, but it did. 

That is why I am writing this article. I want to try to help the people that are going through this to find out for sure before they start throwing accusations around. If you want to find out if your spouse is cheating on you then there are steps that you can take in order to know for sure. My sons wife bought this book that told her exactly what she needed to do in order to find out for sure so I thought that I would pass that information on to you.

If you need help to see if your spouse is cheating on you then just definitely give it a read. Now I don't know anything about it but she told me that it gave her a lot of great information. 
I hope this article helps and that you are happy for the rest of your life.